Sunday, 28 July 2013

Tea the Eighteenth

If you are cold tea will warm you. If you are too heated, it will cool you.  
If you are depressed, it will cheer you. If you are excited, it will calm you.
William Gladstone

Cafe Riviera Sol (formerly 'La Terrasse'), Lourdes - Wednesday 24th July 2013


Tea Takers

Sarah Ryan
Paul Ryan
Olivia Ryan
Mary Clare Doran
Alex Farmer
Simon Johnson
Roseanne Kay
Kitty Kay
Gillan McGrath
Sandra McNally
Helen Merrington Rust
Andrea Pass
Fleur Willson


I have been coming to Lourdes with the Oxford and Cambridge Universities Lourdes Pilgrimage for sixteen years (with a few years off for small child related activites), and Paul started some two years before, thus this pilgrimage is a hugely important part of our life. So, despite a strong suspicion that France might not easily provide afternoon tea as we know it, it was very necessary that some type of afternoon celebration featuring at least a cup of tea and some cake should be part of the odyssey.

Despite the fact that our week in Lourdes is extremely busy, there always seems to be a reasonable amount of time to sit in cafes and catch up with others after the work of the day. The 'Terrasse' (as it shall forever be, however hard the owners might try to make us think otherwise) is an old favourite and a place associated with much entertainment and friendship (it was also the place we discovered that a five-year-old Olivia had her first wobbly tooth - a place of significant omen, then...)

With its large eponymous terrace overlooking the river, with stunning views up to the fort, it is an attractive setting some way removed from the busy streets. It is very popular and can get very busy, but a group of us who could make it foregathered after those of us working in the baths had finished the afternoon session, and found a long table free - the cabinet of cakes was promising and the taking of tea 'a la Francaise' could begin.


Our pilgrimage group is very diverse and over the years there have been people who are constants - the longest standing has, I think, been coming for 47 years; others who join us for one or two visits; some who come back after long breaks, but always it is a great community, where everyone is equally part of the group, and the friendships formed here are very important to many of us.  Some people you only meet once, others you only see this one week each year, but the bond we share remains particularly powerful.

We all work, in different capacities, for the Hospitalite Notre Dame de Lourdes, which runs the sanctuaries and facilitates the visits of both large pilgrimages and individual visitors, and runs the ceremonies of the shrine - there to serve those who come to this very special place. Whilst generally tiring, often menial, regularly inexplicable and occasionally bizarre, this work is enormously rewarding and genuinely a great privilege.

Having tea here with some of these friends (and with the 'ghosts' of fellow stagieres and Terasse-regulars-past hovering on the air) was very special indeed.


Attempting to recreate an English afternoon tea would have been folly, but the delights of French patisserie helped to make up for this.  The Tarte au citron and Tarte aux pommes were both much enjoyed by those who chose them, and for others crepes provided a pleasing alternative.

A few of us did drink tea, and this now brings me to one of my most serious concerns about the French nation as a whole - tea bags.  Why do French tea bags contain so little tea? What is the point of this? Even when you buy Twinning's English Breakfast tea here you are on feeble ground.  It is a great sadness to me, and, given that the meanness of Ryanair baggage allowances meant that I couldn't stuff my suitcases with adequate supplies, it has been a week of 'not getting enough decent tea' - the sadness of leaving Lourdes this morning was much alleviated by being reunited with my kettle and tin of Taylor's Yorkshire Tea - palpable relief.  To return to the afternoon in question, however, by steeping the 'lipton yellow label' for twice as long as advised and with some judicious squeezing, it was pleasant to enjoy something approaching a proper cup.

Others made the (possibly more sensible) decision to seek alternative refreshment.



The 'Terrasse' does not maintain its popularity in Lourdes due to the bonhomie of its waiters.  Our waiter for tea, Cyril, provided no contradiction to this.  To find that he had actually to take an order for a drink and a cake for each person at the table, seemed to be something of an affront, and he took little care to hide his displeasure.  I have been served by him before and noticed a certain surliness in his countenance, but he built on this by developing what might almost be described as a snarl, and employing a less than sensitive delivery technique - note below how Sandra is delicately shoved out of the way as Cyril fulfills her extremely unreasonable request for a crepe.


Eighteenth Tea - Eighteenth Year



On the 11th February 1858, in a cave beside the wide river that ran down from the mountains, Our Lady appeared to a young girl, who was searching for firewood with her sister and a friend. Bernadette was a sickly child, who came from a family plunged into poverty and distress.  She had little education and was the type of person that it was very easy for others to dismiss.  The lady appeared to Bernadette eighteen times between then and the middle of that July, and spoke to her on many of those occasions.  She brought a simple message of prayer and repentance, drawing people closer to Christ, and she spoke to Bernadette with great respect and love, which was astonishing to this simple girl.  

Eventually, and for a number of reasons, Bernardette came to be believed by many.  At the later apparitions crowds gathered to witness her blessed state of ecstasy.  The parish priest, and in turn other church authorities, were finally convinced when the lady answered Bernadette's question, as to who she was, with 'I am the Immaculate Conception' - this was a doctrine only very recently professed by the church and one that this young country girl, who could often not even repeat the basics of her catechism, could not have heard about.

During the apparitions, at the direction of Our Lady, Bernadette discovered a spring at the back of the cave that was not previously known, she also asked Bernadette to go to the priests and ask them to build a chapel and come to this place in procession.  Soon miraculous healings began to be attributed to the place and thousands of pilgrims flocked to the cave. The first church, now the crypt of the main basilica, was completed in 1866.

Lourdes is one of the most visited Marian shrines in the world, and people come from all over the world, some seeking healing, but more to come to this place where for a short time heaven and earth intersected, and which continues to have a powerful and profound effect on those who come.  Because of the healings it quickly became a place of special recourse for the sick - not simply, or even primarily, to come in expectation of physical healing (although the church has recognised sixty-nine 'miraculous' healings, where after extensive investigation there is no physical or psychological basis for the cure), but a place where they experience the power and love of this special place.  The sick and the weak are those who are most important in Lourdes and in the large pilgrimages it is the main function of  the able-bodied to serve and support them.

I never really wanted to come to Lourdes - like many others my only experience of the place before I visited was plastic water bottles (in the poorly copied shape of a nineteenth century pious statue with screw top crown), or glow-in-the-dark statues, flashing grottoes and sentimental hymns - I was fundamentally uneasy about this type of personal revelation and mystery. Yet without any real knowledge, understanding or conscious desire, I still decided one year that I would go, and like many others, found that call to Lourdes to have been one of the most important in my life.  As a place it challenges my aesthetics, my personal preconceptions, it asks me to do things that I would find almost impossible elsewhere and at its heart, beyond the tat and the superficial, it has shown me more about faith and love than almost any other experience in my life. A chaplain to our group once described coming to Lourdes as like taking hold of a spiritual live wire - I think that is the best last word.


Friday, 19 July 2013

Tea the Seventeenth

If a man has no tea in him, he is incapable of understanding truth and beauty.
Japanese Proverb

Knockranny House Hotel, Wesport, County Mayo - Wednesday 17th July 2013


Tea Takers

Sarah Ryan
Paul Ryan
Olivia Ryan


An invitation to Aidan's wedding gave us an excellent opportunity for an Irish tea.  The Knockranny House Hotel is where tomorrow's wedding reception is to be held and is where we are staying. It has a fabulous location perched above Westport, lying on Clew bay facing out to the Atlantic and with stunning views of Croagh Patrick. Apart from anything else, it was about time that Olivia finally visited the land of her passport.

After the usual traumas of flying with the family airline, it was lovely to arrive at a very comfortable and well appointed hotel. We had booked tea in advance and a table was laid for us in the bay window of the bar, with the most spectacular view. It will almost certainly be the only tea with a view of the Atlantic. As we sat we watched the clouds scudding across the blue sky over the bay and rise and fall gently over the top of Croagh Patrick itself.

Tea was delightful.  When we arrived we were ushered to what we were assured is the best table and our very friendly and obliging waitress, Sinead, won significant points by showing that she knew we had ordered plain scones and assuring us that the chef had just made them for us (Watch and learn, Weetwood...).  The scones were very impressive, light and soft in the middle, with an almost biscuity crunch to the crust. Sadly no clotted cream, but that is probably not in such ready supply so far west, so we will let that pass on this occasion. Paul spoke with particular praise of the sandwiches, and they were a good range, presented on some very tasty soda bread, which was a nice Hibernian twist.

The cakes were highly commendable, especially a delicate mango cheesecake. I would have liked to have eaten Olivia's, which she spurned, but was just too full.


Seventeenth Tea - Seventeenth Year


Croagh Patrick and Clew Bay

The dramatic conical peak known as Croagh Patrick, and also as The Reek, has been a place of pilgrimage since pagan times, but its history as Ireland's holy mountain dates from from St Patrick's forty day fast on the summit  in 441AD. Pilgrimage in his honour has been a tradition ever since.  It is said that it was from the summit here that he banished the snakes from Ireland, ringing his bell to lure them to throw themselves from a cliff edge. 

A modern chapel on the summit is still visited by hundreds of pilgrims and walkers of all ages and conditions, and this variety is really striking.  Sadly we didn't have the time to climb all the way up, but after tea we drove out to Murrisk, the village below the mountain and set off some of the way up the path. We ended up going quite a bit further than we had initially planned, despite our lack of really appropriate footwear, (at our optimistic estimate) got about a quarter of the way up.  Even from this point the views across the bay, dotted with glorious green islands, were stunning.

After our brief exertions we made our way a little further along the coast to a spit of land out in the bay where Bertra beach faces the expanse of the ocean and dabbled in the edge, wandered along the beautiful firm sands, whilst dodging the several hundred jelly fish who had joined us for the occasion. A lovely way to digest a very fine tea.

Now we're really looking forward to celebrating with Aidan and Maria tomorrow - a most pleasing Irish sojourn.


Monday, 8 July 2013

Tea the Sixteenth

Just tea for two 
And two for tea,
Just me for you 
And you for me alone.
Irving Caesar - from 'No, No, Nanette'

Weetwood Hall Hotel, Leeds - Saturday, 8th July 2013


Tea Takers

Sarah Ryan
Paul Ryan


13th Wedding Anniversary Tea


On a slightly less sunny 8th July in 2000, we came here to Weetwood Hall for our wedding reception. The key feature of said reception was that it should begin with afternoon tea and only once fortified by this important meal would we inflict speeches, cake cutting and the like upon the assembled throng, who would then later recover over dinner. I vaguely remember getting my first cup of tea as Mrs Ryan, and seeing the conservatory set out with scones and other necessaries, but in the excitement and sociability of the day, I didn't really have a chance to appreciate the tea provisions.

The Brasserie and conservatory were a pleasant, if undistinguished, setting and little has changed.  Today we sat in the conservatory - it was either a choice of the garden, where we couldn't hear the piped drivel, or indoors, where the hum of the ring road was less audible, so we opted to suffer crooning, easy-listening pop.

Our relationship with this site of one of the most important celebrations of our life is not one of simple unalloyed romanticism - the fact that they threw away most of our wedding cake, and literally dropped the top tier in with a carrier bag of presents, has always lent a certain Fawlty Towers-esque charm to our memories of the place. They were not to disappoint today - having rung in advance (twice) to order plain scones they failed on this and the terrified waitress giggled hysterically at our request for ham sandwiches without mustard - I am assuming that the chef of whom she spoke with breathless anxiety is of the meat-cleaver-wielding disposition. Add to that a waiter who poured hot water all over the table and we were pleased to find that plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.

Note, on the picture below (taken in the selfsame Brasserie), not only the extreme youth and apparent mania of bride and groom, but the care with which the hotel have constructed the cake - I am quite sure that those two pillars (front left, both levels) are really meant to be upside down...


It must be conceded, however, that today's tea was very generous.  Two large cake stands presented scones, profiteroles, brownies, flapjack, the first appearance in the odyssey of Yorkshire parkin, and a vast amount of sandwich.  The cakes were very good and the sandwiches also (although I could have been happier if there hadn't been prawns present). 

The hotel had also made the (always flawed) decision to serve the scones ready split, jammed and creamed - partly, no doubt, out of embarrassment at the lack of clotted cream. This is a serious failing in the serving of afternoon tea, and I don't really feel that any type of cream worth its name should slice like this...

Nevertheless, Mr R declared them pleasing and we certainly both ate very well. We also had a very entertaining time, mostly making less than charitable jibes at the the continuing ineptness of the hotel staff.


Weetwood Hall

The oldest part of the buildings that make up Weetwood Hall is mid-Sixteenth Century, but the core of the old Hall was built in 1625, and features an attractive and elaborate plasterwork ceiling that is exceptional of its period. During the First World War the house was requisitioned as a convalescent home for officers, then in 1919 was bought by Leeds University and became a hall of residence for women students. It remained a university hall until the 1990s, and indeed one of the guests at our wedding, Julia Elton, had lived here as a student (enticed, as she certainly would be, by the aforementioned Jacobean ceiling).


Sixteenth Tea - Sixteenth Year


Wedded Bliss

In response to the sentimental posed wedding ring photos beloved of many commercial photographers, we present our happy marital tribute of the clenched fists of experience:

Forced to admit it though, we have been really rather happy...

I even wore my wedding earrings for the occasion

Happy Anniversary, Mr Ryan - let's go back for our 26th and see how they can disappoint us then...
